Well! It's been awhile! To get you caught up in all things Christine:
We moved to Redmond a year ago. As soon as I knew Borders was completely done for, Nate and I discussed what to do. Since I wasn't tied to the area due to a job, I was free to search further north. I ended up getting hired part-time at Whole Foods Market as a cashier. They're pretty great about my hours and my manager used to work at Borders as well (not around here, she came from Chicago). Things fell into place rather smoothly after that...
We got a nice condo for a reasonable price that sits right on a lake filled with ducks and various "wild life". Jamie is enrolled in a very nice school with great teachers- They have actually helped him get relatively caught up on reading and math. He's still behind but is getting the help he needs. I won't even get started on the school in Tacoma.
When we moved to Redmond, we discovered that I was pregnant and due in April! Very exciting news! If you've been following me on Facebook, you've already seen some of my pregnancy pics and ultrasounds. When I told Jamie that he would be getting a sibling, he replied "It's what I wished for in the wishing well! It came true!" How cute is that?
Rowan Wesley Scott was born April 18th at 12:59am in Bellevue. He weighed in at 7 lbs, 14 oz (the exact weight of Jamie and I) and was 20 inches long. Of course, we all fell instantly in love with the littlest little guy. He is currently 2 months old and all smiles.