Can you believe this weather?? Ugh. It's June and we haven't seen a ray of sunshine yet. It's 57 degrees... I think I would welcome global warming right about now because frankly, the idea is a hoax. Seriously.
Secondly, my house is STILL on the market. It's depressing to even browse through John L. Scott online because I know we don't stand a chance anytime soon. Not in this area anyway. I did find myself in the Portland Metro area of my searches though and came up with some very cute and very afforable housing... Luckily, Mike's job is very stable and very flexible if we ever decide we want to move. But don't panic (especially Marilyn...) we're not moving to Oregon anytime soon.
My youngest brother Tom graduates from high school on Monday! We're all very happy and excited for him! They're holding the ceremony at the Whiteriver Ampitheater which should be very cool.
I've got another wedding session booked this year in September! The bride is a very sweet, very cool girl at work named Jenn! I can't wait! She's got some fabulous tattoos down both arms and the greatest sense in style! I can't wait to show you pictures someday. I've been brainstorming like mad for ideas for their engagement's gonna be rockin' for sure.
I've got offical business cards! Yeeeaahhh! I'm getting together with Brooks soon to discuss my future website and hopefully get the ball rolling. I know exactly what I want in terms of features. I've got some ideas for actual designs but I'm going to try my hardest not to reveal too much before showtime :)

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