Friday, August 1, 2008

Just because everyone else is doing it...doesn't mean you have to do it too

Seriously! I saw this article Newsweek online The Case Against Crocs and I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one sick of these.
Here's a website utterly devoted to the bashing of crocs... (only because it was listed in the article)

And of course, I LOL'd when I read this:
"I like to play a game with my son, Joseph. We sit on a bench in touristy Old Town, Alexandria, Va., and we're not allowed to get up until we see a dozen pairs of Crocs. It usually doesn't take long. But the other day we were stuck at eight after a few minutes, and I was getting a little concerned. Just then my boy leaned over and said, "Don't worry, Dad. A family of dorks will come along any minute." To paraphrase Hank Hill, if he wasn't my son, I would have hugged him right then, I was so proud."

I think I rest my case.


Paul Bauman said...

Bill Maher on Crocs

Nick Rogen said...

I'm glad I found out it wasn't actually crocodiles . I am so out of the new trends! :)