1. Travel to Europe
2. Go for a hike on Mt. Rainier on actual dirt trails with my family.
3. Buy some quality bookcases and organize all my books.
4. Get a bike and ride it everyday for 2 months.
5. Organize and print my personal photos.
6. Take Pilates or yoga.
7. Teach Jamie to sign the entire alphabet.
8. Donate time to a children's charity
9. Learn to cook a really good steak or chicken
10. Take a road trip to the coast for a week and camp!
11. Blog every day for a month {Dec '07!}
12. Start or join a book club
13. Start and finish an actual story.
14. Abstain from fast food for 3 months.
15. Take better care of my teeth and actually recieve praise from my dentist!
16. Quit my job or go part time
17. Learn to knit hats
18. Learn to sew. I have ideas aplenty and no way to whip 'em up.
19. Buy a big plasma screen TV. :D
20. Second shoot at a wedding with someone I admire
21. Get a manicure and pedicure...oh heck, go to a spa!
22. Get my teeth whitened.
23. Get Jamie to join Boy Scouts or Camp Fire.
24. Have a baby girl.
25. Learn about the stock market and invest $1000
26. Call a friend I haven't talked to in a long time
27. Make a book of my photographs
28. Get a tattoo.
29. Get Jamie into a good school.
30. Build something
31. Grow vegtables and eat them
32. Play a video game from start to finish. (not in one setting @.@)
33. Read a classic novel written before 20th century
34. Buy my dream house.
35. Do something nice for someone anonymously
36. Spend a night at a luxury hotel
37. Take a cruise
38. Resist the urge to go online for a month.
39. Shoot film and process it myself
40. Sell a photo
41. Have my photos displayed in a cafe
42. Start a photography company {Jan 08}
43. Invest in Real Estate (not just my own home)
44. Print & frame personal photos for my house
45. Own an Apple Laptop
46. Invest in lenses
47. Write in a journal at least once a week
48. Learn to drive a stick-shift
49. Take a photography class online or in a classroom
50. Take a nature walk with Jamie and collect pieces along the way
51. Learn to snowboard
52. Make a clock.
53. Donate old clothes & shoes once every 6months
54. Go to a play.
55. Take the family to a circus
56. Reupholster a piece of furniture
57. Buy new furniture for the living room and dining room...in exactly my taste.
58. Plant flowers and get them to actually grow
59. Visit my dad in Arizona
60. Go sledding with the family
61. Go to NY
62. Go to Vegas
63. Shoot pictures for a clothing company
64. Be a mentor for someone
65. Get out of my shell and socialize!
66. Visit every state with my family
67. Make my own jewerly (not your usual stringing beads kind either)
68. Sell something on Etsy or Ebay
69. Learn to really cook well and enjoy doing it.
70. Give tomatoes another chance.
71. Write a piece for a magazine or newspaper
72. Teach a class (kids or adults)
73. Read the books I was supposed to read in school but didn't
74. Work on listening more than I talk and not interrupting
75. Save 10% of what I earn for one year
76. Resist the urge to buy some expensive item of clothing and do something important with the money instead
77. Become business minded and comprehend the lingo.
78. Make daily lists to keep my schedule more organized & productive
79. Quit drinking coffee... for a month
80. Strive to eat something green at least once a day.
81. Get Jamie to eat something green at least once a day (green apples and pears dont count!)
82. Grow my hair long again without dying it.
83. Become more politically aware
84. Go an entire month w/out buying any clothes for myself
85. Get involved in Jamie's school in the future
86. Learn a new word once a week and strive to use it in everyday conversation
87. Learn to finish a project first before beginning another
88. Convert a room into a studio
89. Design a website and go live
90. Capture a photo of a butterfly {May 09}
91. Create Christmas cards {Dec '07}
92. Take photos of my parents {Dec '07)
93. Learn to maintain my car myself.
94. Design my home
95. Make a quilt (not a child sized one since I've done that already)
96. Buy a beautiful painting
97. Finish my doll house
98. Organize my crafts
99. Cook a thanksgiving meal
100. Host a fancy Christmas party
I'll try to keep updating as I check things off :)