Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Some reading to do...

I still haven't finished my book "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" yet. It's definately a smart novel and the author is incredibly well read and researched but for some reason... I've been trudging through slowly. It seems that she's explaining every little bit in great detail and I find myself skimming paragraphs to reach some turning point in the novel. Fantastic charactor descriptions but good lord, must we describe everything??

So in my frustration, I started a new novel; "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith. I'm not sure why but I thought that grandma once told me she liked this book. I could be totally wrong too. It's set in 1912 Brooklyn, New York about a young poor girl and her family. Many readers describe it as a thinly disguised biography of the author.

My next novel will be "The Looking Glass Wars" by Frank Beddor. Typically, this book is kept in Young Adult fiction but a few people at work have picked it up and highly recommend it. It's a interesting twist on the Alice in Wonderland story, complete with it's own picture book done by the author. So far, there are only 2 books written for the series but it's sure to become a hit much like "Twilight" By Stephanie Meyer (another Young Adult novel that I throughly enjoyed).

Happy Wednesday everyone! :)

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