There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't regretted stepping down as supervisor. It's so liberating to free my brain to focus on the more important things in life. Yes, providing for the family and assuring we have health insurance is right up there... but seriously, I'm not even sure I'd ever go back to being a supervisor-ever!
I feel as though I can look forward and consider my life without having to consult work and feel bad about it. Now, if I need a day off to do something photography related or Jamie related, I can ask and feel guilt-free. :) It's a nice feeling. I've been placing more focus on learning the fine art of photography.
Lately I've been spending time studying the more technical side of photography. Technical is not my strong point, nor does it hold my interest for long. I like to just dive in and see what I get. However, I'm noticing the need to make a split second decision in regards to shutter speed or aperture can usually make or break my photos. Obviously, right? Not ALL of my future subjects will be as forgiving or patient as my past subjects have been. Especially if I plan to specialize in children. Despite my frustrations with Jamie not ever holding still or listening when I want him to hold a pose or move his face has proved necessary in the long run. I hate to admit it but sometimes children that refuse to be told what to do can be a good thing. Forces me to take desparate measures to get his attention (toys, talking, distracting...etc). It has also pushed my patience to its limit-countless times.
I'm still waiting to photography a nice, sleeping baby... :D hehe
I glad that you have decided to make the decisions that you have done. It scares the death out of us when we choose to take other directions in our lives. But once we do them we see the pros and cons of doing them. Plus most of the time those decisions are usually the right ones.
It is nice to feel guilt free. To be able to open the doors that most people are afraid to see what is on the other side.
We see what we are really made of in our own selves. Plus you will be surprise to the support that we get from the love ones around us.
Good job.
Thanks :) I tried for 3 years to get a manager's position only to realize, it doesn't fit me at all. Why stress?
I feel like I'm going in the right direction!
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