Thursday, April 24, 2008

"become the friend you have been waiting for"

What a perfect moment to stumble upon this photog's blog. I found this inspring quote on Jesh De Rox's blog after he wrote a thought-provoking entry. I don't normally frequent his blog since it's mostly fulled with contests but I'm glad I did today.
I've been feeling quite lonely inside for awhile. No one's fault of course. It's just the way I'm wired. I tend to keep to myself and hold back. Rarely do I express any true emotions right as they happen. I generally wait until I've had a chance to assess them and then edit what I don't like. Does that make me a fake? Probably not...
I've been wanting to make some personal changes in my life. Changes to better myself, emotionally and physically. Be a better parent, wife and friend. What better way to start than by selling our house?

I'm going take another good look at my goal list and attempt another one soon. I don't know which one yet. But I'm going to do it for myself, not because I want to be someone else.


Paul Bauman said...

"Be a better parent, wife and friend. What better way to start than by selling our house?"

Be careful with this statement... I know it's a "new beginning" of sorts, but don't let one reflect on the other. ^_^

Christine said...

I know, I got to thinking about this after I published the post lol

Don't worry, I intended to start then... when the post got put up. Thanks for noticing and pointing it out :)