Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thinking towards the future

As most of you know, we're trying to sell our house. There's good reason behind it too. First off, manufactured homes just don't stay warm; especially not in the winter time even with the heat cranked to 70. The mortage is expensive for what we have, just not worth it. The neighborhood can I put it... white trashy? It's true that they're trying to control it with a Home Owner's Association but they can only do so much. Our only option at this point is to use the money from the home sale to free up at least $1000 a month and move into a rental home.
With a new baby on the way we've decided that it's the best decision for me to stay home most of the time, maybe work 2 nights a week? Daycare will cost more than what I make in a month so it just isn't worth it. I'm not going to ask my mom and mother-in-law to watch a baby again in addition to a 5 year old when he gets home from kindergarten. It's too much to ask. I personally would rather spend more time with the new baby because there are new things I want to try this time around. Jamie did just fine on formula and sleeping in his own crib but I think this time I'd like to try breast feeding and co-sleeping (they have co-sleepers: if you want to get us a baby gift... lol). Every child is different.
Besides, this way I can try to get my photography business going next year with more free time (theoritically). :) Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts.

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