Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lately, I've been in a really sour mood. Rightfully so, eh? This is definitely something I've never experienced before and to be honest, I am really unsure of how to deal with it. I get angry because I perceive people to be completely insensitive. Even those who don't even know me or what has happened. I've been okay enough to go to work but then I encounter pushy customers and I have to literally talk myself out of screaming at them to shut up about this book that they so desperately need THAT day or why Borders Rewards is beneficial to them even though they spend less than 10 bucks a year. Yes, I was locked into trying to convince a customer this...he was determined to make me repeat the whys over and over... "So let me get this straight... I don't have email so I can't get those coupons but I can get the coupons through your registers but yet I have to spend at least $10 dollars to even be offered the coupons?" Let me tell you... I was really ready to just tell him to forget and go to Barnes & Nobles. Ugh.
Then of course I stay angry and grumpy all day long and end up with saying crap that I really don't mean. If I've said anything mean to you and you're reading this: I'm sorry. But please, just give me some time and be understanding. If you were in my shoes, you'd be the same way.
Anyway, eventually I'll move on and I'll feel better. But until then, please be gentle.


Anonymous said...

hope things are going a little better now. I'll check in with you later this week for sure.


~Doc (on 4/28)

Christine said...

Hey... yes, I think the emotions have been dealt with, put into perspective and I'm feeling much better. Thanks for checking on me :)