Last night I had the pleasure of photographing an old co-worker's daughter and her fiance. They're so sweet! I could feel that they were a little nervous about being photographed so within 20 minutes, I was launching blonde jokes and any other kind of joke I could think of. I'm not sure it worked but they did loosen up towards the end of the shoot. Stephanie has the most beautiful eyes! What a gorgeous shade of blue and I was lucky enough to capture them!
Once I got home, I was estatic to see how wonderfully they photographed! I literally had hundreds of great shots and I had to pick only a few to upload to flickr so Stephanie could preview them :P From the sounds of her recent email, I think she's tickled. ;P
Enjoy my faves from Stephanie and Judah... Their wedding next August is sure to be a hit!

Cute pictures!!! God, your photography has gotten so great! I sent you an email, tonight actually lol, Hope you get it. I sent it to the pookiechristine msn one. Hope to hear from you soon Lexxtee!!
Oh yeah, and could you send me Docs email address, I fear the one I have is old and unused... Email me!
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