Hi all,
I suppose since it's my birthday I should say a few words. It's my last year of being in my twenties although, it doesn't feel like it's possible that I'm already here. Yet, I am and so with that realization, I should try my best this year to make the most of it. After all, once you enter your thirties, there's no going back. I have heard that your thirties are supposed to be better than your twenties. I can almost see the logic. You've passed idenity confusion, graduated college (some people), established yourself in the working world, found your mate and possibly produced spawn. Your thirties are about maintaining order and solidifying your best quailities. So I guess I should think in terms that I only have one more year to be utterly confused about myself before I can give it up and start accepting it! :)
There are a bunch of trival things I'd like to accomplish this year (as well as important things!). First (not in order of priorities) I think I'd like to get a tattoo. Like I said, trival... but still, once I'm in my thirties, it'll seem like I'm trying too hard. But if I get it in my twenties, it'll be normal. Right? I'm thinking too hard about this. Anyway, I know exactly what I want and where I want it. It's nothing vulgar and it's not overly public. If I get the courage to do it, I'll post a photo :)
Speaking of photos... I still haven't heard back from Mike's brother on the status of my harddrive. I've been given a list of places that will recover harddrives if it boils down to that. You only pay if they get anything. If they can't, you wouldn't have wasted money. In my opinion, my photos are priceless. Especially those of Jamie and my family. Maybe this is all about really opening my eyes and seeing the beauty in everyday things; not about perfect lighting conditions or location. I've put my camera away for the most part. I think I'm really scared to delete anything off the memory card in fear that my actual computer will kiss the dust. It's definitely been acting strange. We've discussed getting a new computer; either beef up my existing one or convert to a Mac. The materialism in me REALLY wants a Mac. It's beautiful piece of machinery that seemly operates flawlessly. Of course, I've heard the very rare stories in which things go wrong but they're things such as rain damage, severed cords... Not viruses... Oh the longing... I want badly to pay off my credit cards too. So, that's another priority this year; situate my computer issues.
In going forward with another priority, I did sell my xbox in efforts to pay off a chunk of one of my credit cards. I felt a weight being lifted and the guilt over buying it went away. Now if I can just find the cash to throw towards my other one...
And last in my list of priorities (and most certainly, an important one), I've made it our goal to give Jamie more siblings either this year or next. If in six months nothing has happened, I'll make an appointment to get things checked out. For the sake of family members reading this, I won't go further into details ;)
Ok, now I'm off to help Jamie with his game. Gotta unlock a door...
1 comment:
I want to get another one (tattoo, that is) and I would so go with you. :)
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