Oh I know I'll get a few family and friends to remind me that I'm not a selfish person and that I should stop talking this way... thank you. But I know, we're our worst critic.
Anyway, I wanted to share the post I saw... may you find it inspiring as much as I did.
practice makes perfect
a quote we have all heard, and definitely one with more than a little truth to it.
that being the case, what is it that you practice?
if i may suggest,,,
no matter what you have practiced before now, let nothing and no one (not even yourself) deprive you of your right to change what you choose to practice at any time,,,
practice enlarging your heart,,, see how many more people you can fit in there,,, how much more of yourself.
practice believing what you know in your heart is true,,, not what you have been told to believe, not what you believe for the sake of others,,, practice believing the wild dreams your heart once spent all day imagining,,, the ones that have since been too-often put in the childish or i need to grow up bins,,,
practice remembering the many strengths and gifts you have,,,
practice making memories worth having,,,
practice being brave,,, one day someone's son or daughter may come up to you and tell you that though you have never met, your braveness once changed their life,,,
practice the good kind of crying,,,
practice letting yourself be moved,,,
practice speaking up when your sensibilities tell you to be quiet,,, remember: being sensible usually isn't
practice new things - it's hard to write an interesting life story when your fingers keep typing the same four letters,,,
practice telling the truth - most of all to yourself,,,
my many amazing friends,,, without fail, we become masterful at what we practice - let's let go of practicing the things that don't belong to our peace,,,
may you find your peace, joy, and so much love,,, wherever you are *
jesh *
[peevish english instructor mode]
Gah, WTF is up with the ",,," ?
Anyway, I understand where you're coming from. But, in a sense, most of the "selfishness" you describe is actually a dissolution of self, based on an illusion that you can control how people perceive you and that this perception, in turn, defines who you are.
To that I say, stop worrying about "being interesting", and pay more attention at enriching the experience of the life you have. Ironically, this can be seen as being selfish, I suppose, but only if you carry out such a intent without paying attention to the other people who constitute the very richness of your life.
I think you're doing just fine!
I have no idea why he puts ",,," in there...
anyway, I'm learning a lot about myself and what direction I want to go. I've been largely influenced from reading Eat,Pray,Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. We'll see what goes from there :)
Thanks for the kind words too
That's cool. Let me know what you think about that book when you're done. It's getting quite a backlash on Amazon for some reason O_O
Weird! I think it's an incredible book and highly recommend it. I just finished it last night! Everyone's got an opinion I suppose :)
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