Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A treasure trove

And so my musings and obsessions with quotes continues;

I found the BEST site ever! The woman, Myla Kent is also a photographer and I discovered her on a blog about blogs... (pause. let it sink in) and found out that she also has a flickr account. So I add her as my contacts because I like her work. She announces that she's started a separate website purely upon her love of quotes that she's collected since '91. My word... she has quite a collection!

If I can ask anyone who reads this for a small gesture that lets me know you're there... please send me a comment on a quote that you feel best describes me or just any quote you personally love.


Anonymous said...

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." --
Robert F. Kennedy

Hi Christine, it's been a while since I have talked to you. I just wanted to let you know that I have been having a look at your photographs and I enjoyed them greatly. Are you taking any photography classes? I have a few friends who are majoring in photography so I know how much work is involved. I am going into my junior year at Philadelphia University for product design. I hope you are doing well. I didn't have your email address so I just posted on here. Looking forward to further work of yours.


Christine said...

Yay Laura! I haven't talked to you in ages!! No, I've never taken any photography classes. I've done this all through trial and error. It's been wonderful and satisifying. I'm glad you like my work :)
Grandma said you were attending college here in the States, great job! I hope you come to WA soon so we can hook up :) My email is pookiechristine@msn.com, hope to hear from you soon :)

Lindy Fullmer Designs said...

"There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun."
Pablo Picasso

Lindy Fullmer Designs said...
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