I have lost approximately 20,000 photos =/ My external HD got knocked over and now I can't access my photos, my Lightroom or my Photoshop. Sad times, indeed. We've got a glimmer of hope that Mike's brother might save the day and recover it. Perhaps only the USB cord got damaged or something minor.
I'm crossing my fingers. Luckily, I've backed up my paid sessions onto CDs so I'm not too stressed over that. But family photos... it's all on that drive...
Can Super Don save the day?
*Stay tuned.*
Was it on & spinning when it fell? If not, you might still be able to recover stuff from it. It might be, like you said, the USB hookup that's been damaged or the power input. And when you go to get a replacement drive, buy 2 (1 for backup ;))
I am in the same situation. My external HD died yesterday and I have massive gaps in my backups that include several years of photos :-( My HD is being overnighted to Chicago where hopefully my sister can rescue me. I'll cross my fingers for both of us.
Paul: I wasn't actually in the process of doing anything with it. Just chatting with some friends when Jamie spun the chair and knocked it over =/
Amy: That sucks >.< Looks like I might follow Paul's advice about getting 2 backup exHDs. Good luck!
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