Saturday, October 27, 2007

Frosty Morning

Woke up this morning with Jamie staring at me with is big brown eyes and a silly grin. "Time to WAKE UP!" After I made him his eggo waffle I ended up staring outside at the frosty tips of my trees and decided to brave the bitter cold for some pictures. I think that's how you know something's become a passion... when you're willing to sacrifice your comfort zone and brave your worse fear or extreme dislike. Personally, I HATE being cold. I don't even like snow that much. I hate getting up early even more. But you know, nobody's consistent and there's no law that says we need to stay that way. So I'm learning to like getting up earlier and I think snow is pretty (I've always thought it was pretty except when I'm stuck in it).

Anyway, hope today finds everyone happy and healthy, full of hot cocoa. Enjoy the slide show...

I hope this one finally works

1 comment:

auntie jean said...

Keep the pictures coming. I so miss home. One day I will be back. Hopefully not when I too old. I just too old to start over somewhere else. So when I finish I will be there soon enough. Enjoy the winter..