I took pictures all morning. ALL morning. Of Timber, Zoe and a few of me. It's all about throwing what's expected out the window. My house will get cleaned eventually. It doesn't smell of mold and the dog hair is to a minimum. My fridge needs a little love so I should probably have gone to the grocery store... but I can do that tomorrow. I'm enjoying solitary time to just relax and do what I love :)
On a separate note: I've made Jamie his skeleton mask last night! It looks freakin' awesome, if I may say so... No reveal until Halloween. I just hope he'll still want to be a skeleton when the time comes... lol If not, he'll be a skeleton-slash-something else. I'm determined not to let it go to waste! It felt good to just cut and glue things since I haven't done that in a long time.

Hope everyone has a good week!
My wife has the opposite problem, lol. I took the kids to the aquarium for half the day and what does she do? Organize...
Glad to see *someone* knows how to take some personal time.
Guess what we as mom's and dad's seem to take on too much. We are always doing things for others. Then when we do get these moments of quiet time. We soon waste them on the trying to catch up on the things that need to be done. Little errands and nooks that we can't stand anymore with glutter. We waste them and soon our times is gone. Yes, we have accomplish something but then we have lost something of ourselves.
Never lose those times. Spend them with pleasure and no regrets. Because there is always time to do the things we didn't have time to do somewhere else. Because in the end we always beat ourselves for wasting it and take it out on others because we didn't treat ourselves. Even when we don't know it we do take it out on others. Because we feel that we have disappointed someone we love feeling that we shouldn't, wouldn't couldn't done something productive.
Treat yourself without regret and guess what we end up not disappointing anyone. Because end the end they do see how hard we give of ourselves. We are unselfishly sacrifices parts of us to make things better for others around us. And it is a win, win situations because there is pleasure of all around.
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