Of course, we didn't make the trip empty handed. I brought along Marilyn's book by James Patterson that she requested and my camera.
Grandpa has a garage full of boyhood treasures... TRAINS! A complete set with houses, roads, cars, bridges ... you name it.

When it came time to leave, I had to carry him out, kicking and screaming. -.- All the way home it was, "I want to stay! I dont wanna go home! Mama!!" like a broken record. Eventually I had to shout, "One more word from you and you're going to take a nap when we get home!". The rest of the ride home was peaceful and quiet.
Thanks for letting me look into your world. My goodness my dad has out done his self with the trains. I will be reading your blog regularly. Thanks again
I was hoping that you guys would enjoy this all the way from CA :) It'll be like you're right there, playing along with us!
Wonderful pics of the trains! Makes me want to build stuff like that!
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