I've had a few requests for wish lists from family members so I thought it would make it easier to post it on the blog :)
Jamie: (believe it or not, he knows what he wants lol)
Toy Telescope (or something space related) he's been very into stars and planets lately.
Hot Wheels
Hooked on Phonics for Pre-K
Digital Camera for play Nothing too expensive since he just wants to be like mama sometimes :)
Interstar Links
Scooby Doo Music
Matchbox/Hotwheels carwash set... if you can find one! :)
Instruments Or any kind :)
Shrek 3 DVD
A Light in the Attic, Poetry Coll. by Shel Silverstein
Pt.Defiance Zoo pass :)
Scooby Doo Haunted House 3D board game
Scooby Doo Lunch box
Scooby Doo Action Figures
Deluxe Canyon Train & Track Road table
Any of the following movies:"Blade" series, "Die Hard" series/boxed, Demolition Man,"Rambo" Boxed set, "Bruce Lee" Boxed set, Return of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, Fist of Fury, Chinese Connection, Blackhawk Down
Games: Orange Box {For PC}, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune {PS3}, Heavenly Sword {PS3}, Assassins Creed {PS3}, Motor Storm {PS3}, Giftcard for GameStop, PS3 Paddle... Oh and he wanted me to mention: LCD Flat screen TV haha ^.~
Within the Fairy Castle book (It's out-of-print...but here's a cheap copy!lol)
"READ" necklace from Etsy.com
Anything in Modern Mama's Etsy shop :)
Also, Jewels of Luxury
2 dvds "Refuse to say Cheese" & "Beyond the Green Box" By Merakoh Photography
Old Navy Cardigan Small size or Cable Knit Toggle Sweater
Gift card to Fuego
"My So-Called Life" Boxed set
Anything to help organize my desk :)
And for fun, here's something expensive lol Canon 50mm f1.4 Lens or Canon 85mm f1.8
Poppies are my fave!
Love this! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7495667
My So-Called Life
Best TV show ever!
(P.S. Sorry if you get this message 3 times. Blogger doesn't like the fact that I changed my Google password)
haha it only showed once :) I'm really crossing my fingers for that boxed set ...and the lenses >.>
By the way, the guys who created that show (and thirtysomething) have released an internet-only series called Quarterlife on myspacetv.com.
I intend to check it out shortly.
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