I've been wanting to incorporate Mike's Coca Cola print in a photo somehow but was unsure about it until I was drinking my White Mocha. Then it dawned on me... we don't do Coke anymore (haha) we do coffee! I know this post isn't exactly family related but meh, enjoy the photo. :)

Cutting caffeine in the future is going to really really suck.
Heh, one caffeinated beverage to another. "Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose." I prefer Peet's personally, but the logo works here ;)
And again with this cutting caffeine thing...yeesh. You know coffee helps prevent Alzheimer's right?
That's interesting...I never knew that! I'll have to write up a pro-con list and let you know what I come up with. :)
Guess what soon the starbuck is going to be over run by the energy drinks. So long coffee look to redbull. I don't like any of that stuff. Me cocoa and tea any day. But I like what you did. It came out great.
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