Saturday, December 8, 2007

10 Years from now

Exactly a month from today, I'll be 28. I'm not exactly how I imagined myself when I was younger. But then again, is anyone?

Where do I see myself in 10 years? Hopefully by then we'll have a daughter and Jamie a sister (yes, a brother would be fine too but I'll keep trying until I get a girl. be forwarned.). Hopefully living in a bigger house on a more permanant scale. I hope to have progressed in my photography skills enough to get paid nicely without having to work an additional I guess, quitting Borders is on my list of things to do as well. That's as far as I've thought at the moment. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. :)

1 comment:

auntie jean said...

I am 44 years old and I didn't see myself in the boots that I am right now. At 34 I saw myself working at a fast food job and never having any money. At 24 I was still trying to find love, well thinking that I was in love with the man I am with to this day. At 14 I didn't know what love was and wasn't even interested in boys or who I was at the time.

The paths that we take thinking at the time we knew ourselves is very interesting when you are looking at it now.

Ten years from now I hope to be, well I don't know. I hope my kids and husband are still with me. That I am settled in a great job and that my parents are still with me. That I finally get to where I am going.

But I keep my paths open at all times. Because I truely believe that we feel that we have accomplish all that we want than we are no more. Keep opening those doors. Keep improving on ourselves and family.

Things are never what they think they ought to be when the times comes. We accomplish some of the things and still working toward other goals. We even sacrifice some of those goals for other things and reason. We are ever so involving in life. I keep looking within my self and trying to find the person I want and can be all the time.

The world is our oyster. And we are the pearl inside. See ya later.