Thursday, December 13, 2007

Confessions of an imperfect mother

Sleeping soundly has been a thing of the past for me apparently. Maybe it's my cold keeping me awake but somehow, I have a inkling that it isn't. Last night I sent myself to bed around 10:30. At first my nose was bothering me, then I couldn't stop my thoughts from running. People always ask me "What are YOU worried about?!" when I tell them of my sudden insomnia over the last few weeks. I'm just worried about everything I guess? My main worry is always Jamie. I fear that I haven't been a good mother or role model. I'm always so busy or I have something else I'd rather do. When it comes to discipline, I'm so undecided! I spank for the dumbest reasons (I usually don't get this until after it's been dealt with). And honestly, I probably don't give him the respect he deserves as my child and a 4 year old. I felt absolutely racked with guilt last night that I ended up crawling into bed with him and I finally fell asleep.
There are some changes I'd like to start implementing and of course, to keep consistency, we should start small (otherwise, I'll lose track and dig myself even further into a hole of despair). I wanted to try to give Jamie small chores to do around the house. The first being that he's in charge of feeding Timber twice a day. It's pretty easy, a cup in the morning and a cup at night. The next chore I was thinking was making him dress himself. I know he capable, I've seen him do it out of desperation in the middle of the night (I have yet to figure out why he does this since he's not wet when he does). And lastly, clean up all of his toys before we go out or before he goes to bed. Three chores aren't bad for a 4 year old, right?
Secondly, I need to go back to time-outs. The preschool does this so I should keep up with it at home. While both my husband and I have been spanked as children and we turned out just fine, I don't necessarily feel it's the right way to go with Jamie. We tend to resort to spanking to get his attention to the severity of the situation. It's hard to ask him 'why' he did something because he doesn't seem to understand or he thinks it's funny (that's the hardest to deal with!). But I think because he's been in time-out in preschool, he probably understands that a bit more. He's seen other children given time-outs too. I have an old white chair that I think I'll designate the time-out chair and we'll give it a try. I understand that it's a minute per year of the child and if they keep misbehaving, keep adding a minute to the timer. But geez, it's frustrating when he thinks the whole ordeal is funny. =/
Anyway, those are my thoughts for Thursday. I welcome any suggestions/ideas. I wish Mike and I had time for parenting classes that we can bring Jamie to without it costing a lot of money. Speaking of counseling... isn't it silly that they charge for financial counseling?


Katie said...

Wish I had good thoughts to share on parenting...but since my only "baby" is a big doggy, I don't think it'd be too helpful. Especially because I often think it's funny when he does bad things.

But if you think back to being 4, my guess is that if you can remember much at all, it's the fun times with your parents...not the occasional spanking or otherwise-occupied mama. Everyone does the best job that they know how and I'm sure your kiddo will be happy, and resilient, and independent and just fine all-in-all.

So think good thoughts - and let yourself sleep deeply!

Christine said...

I know, I need to go back to my positive thinking habits! Every now and then I freak out and swear that I've already lost my child to the neighborhood hoodlums (even though he doesn't play with any of the neighborhood kids- trust me, its a good thing). It helps to vent it all out in writing and organize my panic driven thoughts. Thanks for the encouraging words :)